Venom 2 telegram
Venom 2 telegram

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“There is no evidence whatsoever that SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 is caused by snakes or snake venom.” David Relman, professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford University. The video’s theory is “miles from reality, and indicates a profound lack of understanding in science and medicine, and much twisted logic,” said Dr. And I think they want to get that venom inside of you and make you a hybrid of Satan.” “They’re using mRNA, which is mRNA extracted from, I believe, the king cobra venom, the king cobra venom. “I think the plan all along was to get the serpent’s, the evil one’s DNA into your God-created DNA,” Ardis said. It showed Ardis, who sells acne products and is now using the film to sell what he calls “anti-v” supplement kits online, invoking the Garden of Eden story and a fictional TV show plot as he outlined an elaborate mass-murder scheme that he claimed involves even the pope. The video is an interview between far-right radio host Stew Peters, who has a history of using inflammatory rhetoric and spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and Bryan Ardis, a former chiropractor who built a brand around claiming that the drug remdesivir is killing people. Its title, “Watch the Water,” is a nod to a favorite refrain of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which is centered around the belief that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles is running a global sex-trafficking ring. The 48-minute film, released April 11, is the latest in an expanding genre of mega-viral, conspiracy-laden videos made in the mold of the “Plandemic” video from May 2020. A new anti-vaccine documentary ridiculously claims that the coronavirus is not a virus, but a synthetic version of snake venom that evil forces are spreading through remdesivir, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and drinking water to “make you a hybrid of Satan.”

Venom 2 telegram